March 27, 2009 God has a specific plan for your life

March 27th, 2009

“God has a specific plan for your life. He will reveal parts of that plan to you as you look for it with faith and consistent obedience. His Son has made you free—not from the consequences of your acts, but free to make choices.”

Richard G. Scott, Liahona, May 2004, 100–102

March 26, 2009 We all need to feel appreciated.

March 26th, 2009

“We all need to feel appreciated. An American industrialist, Charles M. Schwab, said, ‘I have yet to find a man, whatever his situation in life, who did not do better work and put forth greater effort under a spirit of approval than he ever would do under a spirit of criticism’ (Richard Evans’ Quote Book [1971], 171). When we express appreciation and approval, we increase the confidence of others in us and encourage them to excel.”

The Latter-day Saint Woman: Basic Manual for Women, Part B, 303

March 25, 2009 Dwelling in the world is part of our mortal test.

March 25th, 2009

“Dwelling in the world is part of our mortal test. The challenge is to live in the world yet not partake of the world’s temptations which will lead us away from our spiritual goals. When one of us gives up and succumbs to the wiles of the adversary, we may lose more than our own soul. Our surrender could cause the loss of souls who respect us in this generation. Our capitulation to temptation could affect children and families for generations to come.”

Robert D. Hales, Ensign, May 1998, 75

March 24, 2009 Sometimes in the deepest darkness

March 24th, 2009

“Sometimes in the deepest darkness there is no external light—only an inner light to guide and to reassure.”

Neal A. Maxwell, Ensign, Nov 1994, 34

March 23, 2009 There is no resting place along the path…

March 23rd, 2009

“There is no resting place along the path called faithfulness. The trek is constant, and no lingering is allowed. It must not be expected that the road of life spreads itself in an unobstructed view before the person starting his journey. He must anticipate coming upon forks and turnings in the road. But he cannot hope to reach his desired journey’s end if he thinks aimlessly about whether to go east or west. He must make decisions purposefully.”

Thomas S. Monson, Ensign, Oct 1993, 2

March 22, 2009 To press on in noble endeavors

March 22nd, 2009

“To press on in noble endeavors, even while surrounded by a cloud of depression, will eventually bring you out on top into the sunshine.”

Ezra Taft Benson, Tambuli, Mar 1987, 2

March 21, 2009 Exaltation is an eternal family experience

March 21st, 2009

“Exaltation is an eternal family experience, and it is our mortal family experiences that are best suited to prepare us for it.”

Dallin H. Oaks, Ensign, Nov 2000, 32–34

March 20, 2009 Be patient

March 20th, 2009

“Be patient. As Robert Frost said, with many things the only way out is through. Keep moving. Keep trying.”

Jeffrey R. Holland, However Long and Hard the Road, September 2002

March 19, 2009 The gospel offers us not only the prospect of eternal life,

March 19th, 2009

“The gospel offers us not only the prospect of eternal life, but provides us a whole way of life in mortality. Whereas so many in the world see death as the end and the loss of hope, we testify to the reality of the resurrection. Just as immortality and eternal life stand in such sharp contrast to the world’s lack of purpose, so the righteous way of life stands in sharp contrast to the ways of the world.” Spencer W. Kimball, Tambuli, Dec 1977, 1

March 18, 2009 God’s eternal purpose is for you to be successful

March 18th, 2009

“God’s eternal purpose is for you to be successful in this mortal life. No matter how wicked the world becomes, you can earn that blessing. Seek and be attentive to the personal guidance given to you through the Holy Spirit. Continue to be worthy to receive it. Reach out to others who stumble and are perplexed, not certain of what path to follow. Your security is in God your Father and His Beloved Son, Jesus Christ.”

Richard G. Scott, Liahona, May 2004, 100–102

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